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Vorteile der Kunststoffbearbeitung


Zuletzt aktualisiert 14. Januar 2025 | Veröffentlicht am Nov 6, 2019

Während der Kunststoffspritzguss nach wie vor der Eckpfeiler der bei Boyd hergestellten Kunststoffkomponenten ist, ist die Kunststoffbearbeitung eine der vielen sekundären Möglichkeiten, die unseren Kunden zur Verfügung stehen. With a dedicated and automated equipment for machining, Boyd can machine plastic parts up to 20" x 40" in size. But what are the benefits of plastic machining? Plastic machining is ideal for additional machining of injection molded parts. For parts that need to be modified to create a unique part number or multiple from a host molded part, machining is a cost-effective solution to minimize the cost of the tool.

What are the Core Advantages of Plastic Machining?

Some of the core advantages of plastic machining include:

1) Lowered Cost

Depending on the order quantity, utilizing machining over a tool can result in significant cost savings. For instance, machining can eliminate the need for tooling in lower volume projects, thereby reducing non-recurring engineering (NRE) costs.

2) Heightened Quality Control

Machining provides with greater control over part quality and production process. By eliminating the need to sub-contract machining and performing it in in-house, machining has allowed Boyd to reduce paperwork and handling charges.

3) Fine Trimming and De-Gating

Most plastic parts require a smooth finish, especially from highly regulated industries such as medical and aerospace. Machining can be used to remove the gate from an injection molded part, making the surface smooth and gate-free.

4) Tapping Holes

Machining offers the ability for holes to be tapped rather than using an unscrewing tool. While it’s not only cost-effective for lower volumes, it also allows for better control of threads and holes. There are several factors to consider while deciding between tool and machining. While machining may eliminate the tooling cost, it increases the price per part. So, depending on the volume, tooling may be more affordable. But if you need to change an existing part, secondary machining may be the process of choice. Boyd serves customers in nearly every industry with our machining capabilities. To figure out which plastic manufacturing methods are right for your next project, reach out to one of our experts.

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