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Spritzgegossene Entflammbarkeitsplakate


Letzte Aktualisierung: 21. Okt, 2024 | Veröffentlicht am 13. Okt. 2017

Um sicherzustellen, dass die Produkte die Entflammbarkeitsanforderungen der Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) erfüllen, erstellte Boyd benutzerdefinierte Testplakate.

Da Boyd weiterhin Kunststoffmöglichkeiten im Luft- und Raumfahrtsektor unterstützt, haben wir uns immer stärker an den Vorab-Support-Bemühungen für eine Vielzahl von Testanwendungen beteiligt. Our latest effort has been in response to a frequent request we receive from our customers: to provide molded placards that meet Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR 25,85 and 25,86) flammability testing and requirements. Most common tests include heat release, smoke density, insulation flame propagation, and smoke toxicity. These are all regulations that are strictly enforced for aerospace interior applications.

FAR 25,85 is a safety measure that was implemented to ensure fire protection for compartment interiors, and FAR 25,86 was put in place to improve flammability standards for thermal/acoustic insulation materials. All aerospace interior products must pass the FAR ratings for products over three inches.

What does this mean to Boyd? Currently, we engage in continuous collaboration with our internal dedicated plastics facility and external AS9100 suppliers in order to provide molded plastic placards directly to our customers in a timely fashion. Because of the significant activity and involvement this requires, we have taken the initiative to build our own injection mold that produces a 12 x 3 x 0,08" placard. These placards are molded to the specified Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) size requirement for flammability testing in approved labs. Owning our own tooling allows our team to meet the expeditious timeframes for existing and potential opportunities. This enables us to offer our customers flammability placards at a much more attractive price and lead time.

To learn more about Boyd’s support of the aerospace industry, visit our website.

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